St Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church Sunday School, South Florida is one of the best Sunday Schools of Malankara Orthodox Church. Sunday School lays a foundation for ones spiritual life. Spiritual growth a life long process. Its successful integration in our lives depends on the knowledge and practice acquired in the early years. Our Sunday School provides the best avenue for this. Our Sunday School organization has 40 enrolled students, 15 dedicated teachers with classes from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. Sunday School is conducted regularly after Holy Qurbana every Sunday. The Orthodox Church lays great emphasis and importance in educating children with the values of Christian life, the contents of the Bible and the Church history. Our mission is to enhance the spiritual growth of the new generation by teaching the Holy Bible and other religious lessons to the children of the parish.
St Thomas Sunday School follows OSSAE (Orthodox Sunday School Association of East) syllabi and exams are conducted every year as per schedule. The curriculum includes study of Old Testament, New Testament, religious lessons and Church history, Writings of Fathers, Doctrines and Christian Hymns. We conduct Sunday School Exams as per the schedule provided by our diocese and promote students to senior levels based on their performance. Our Sunday school also provides a platform for nourishing the budding talents of our parish by conducting various activities like singing hymns, elocution, drawing and bible quiz competitions. The sincere effort and guidance of the teachers who volunteer are commendable.
We submit ourselves before our Lord Almighty for his abundant blessings for the continuous growth of our Sunday School Organization. I hope and pray that our Sunday School brings a wonderful experience for all our parishioners, students, teachers, parents and well wishers.
Mr. Sabu John, Principal
St. Thomas Sunday School, South Florida
St Thomas Sunday School follows OSSAE (Orthodox Sunday School Association of East) syllabi and exams are conducted every year as per schedule. The curriculum includes study of Old Testament, New Testament, religious lessons and Church history, Writings of Fathers, Doctrines and Christian Hymns. We conduct Sunday School Exams as per the schedule provided by our diocese and promote students to senior levels based on their performance. Our Sunday school also provides a platform for nourishing the budding talents of our parish by conducting various activities like singing hymns, elocution, drawing and bible quiz competitions. The sincere effort and guidance of the teachers who volunteer are commendable.
We submit ourselves before our Lord Almighty for his abundant blessings for the continuous growth of our Sunday School Organization. I hope and pray that our Sunday School brings a wonderful experience for all our parishioners, students, teachers, parents and well wishers.
Mr. Sabu John, Principal
St. Thomas Sunday School, South Florida
Our Sunday School Faculty
President and Vicar
Principal Vice Principal Treasurer
Sabu John Ceeja samuel
Grade Teacher's Name Backup Teacher's Name
Principal Vice Principal Treasurer
Sabu John Ceeja samuel
Grade Teacher's Name Backup Teacher's Name